How to join or renew at Clifton Beach SLSC
For the 2024/25 session onwards there have been a few changes to membership:
All members under 16 require at least one parent or guardian to be a member of the club (minimum associate member)
Adults 18+ must hold Registration to Work with Vulnerable People (a WWVP card) and complete SLST ‘Child Safe Awareness Course’
Please follow the below steps:
Notify us of your Work with Vulnerable People status
If you do not currently hold Registration to Work with Vulnerable People please apply for it here:
Please confirm your status by emailing membership@cliftonbeachslsc.com.au a copy of your card or your application number
Step 2
Apply for Ticket to Play if eligible
Children aged 5-18 may be eligible for Ticket to Play vouchers – check eligibility and apply: https://tickettoplay.tas.gov.au/
Once you have received your voucher/s please email details of these to membership@cliftonbeachslsc.com.au and proceed with renewing or joining
Step 3
Join or Renew here
JOIN – Please use this link to join and pay as an individual or family group https://members.sls.com.au/members/join/member-join (N.B. When joining as a family group you still only pay the minimum amount required, the family rate only applies if your combined fees exceed this amount)
RENEW – Please use this link to renew and pay as an individual or family group https://members.sls.com.au/SLSA_Online/modules/login/index.php
Step 4
Complete the Child Safe Awareness Course
Adults 18+ create and/or log in to the members portal and follow links to complete the SLST Child Safe Awareness Course (approx. 30 min)
To complete the course:
All adults will need to create their own member login, even if included in a family group
Follow links under eLearning and then Safety & Wellbeing